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Link Tracker Odoo 18 | Google Analytics compatible | UTM generator

January 23, 2025 by
Link Tracker Odoo 18 | Google Analytics compatible | UTM generator LLC, Michael Zittel
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In this video we set up a LINK TRACKER in Odoo 18. Effectively, it is a Google Analytics (GA4) generator. They system also creates a short link, which is good for social media, email, etc.  Once set up, tracked links not only are recorded in GA, but also directly on the related lead, quotes and sales. Once set up, all leads can be filtered by campaign, medium or source. Even the specific customer can be tied to a specific marketing campaign. That's gold!

Odoo tutorial transcript

Speaker is Michael Zittel, an Odoo Implementer.

We come up here to site. We do length tracker and it pre-populate with the page. And then we can choose, existing campaigns if we want. In our case we're going to say demo because this is a demonstration for you. And there it is. And the medium is going to be a link and click that. Then the source, we're going to say shared choose share because we're sharing a link with somebody directly.

Then it will generate a link and we have a UTM properly created URL. But it's also shortened because they're nicer to see and social media etc. and we can just copy it. Now let's just go to our Firefox and type in that shortened URL. And you can see up here the properly formatted UTM parameters are set.

These also coincide correlate with Google Analytics. So this data can also be available in Google Analytics now. So let's say our user comes here. They get interested based on what we've written for them etc.. And then they want to contact us and they just enter their name. Let's say it's King Kong is interested in our product.

Let's give King Kong phone number, five five. For four, for three, 333. That's King Kong phone number, in case you didn't know. Of course we want his email. So King puts it in his email at Kong Dark. And, company is gorilla. And the subject is Oda, King Kong. I need help with setting up Oda for my, side hustle.

Because, you know, King Kong has a side hustle. Besides, you know, destroying New York. Then submit. And that's it. It goes through. Let's go to the back end. We got to pop back over to Chrome where we're logged in. And if we go to the back end and we go to our CRM, that's where the lead data goes to the leads.

And here we have that lead that just came in. Now what's interesting is if we look over here in the extra information, we see that this lead came in from came in from the demo campaign off of a link that was shared, which is awesome. Now, if I create an opportunity out of this, what's great is that the information is also recorded here.

Campaign link shared. So we've got tracking going all the way through from the click to the quote. And then if this customer purchased, it would become a sale. Now if we were to go to sales. And so we see we have a bunch of different sales and a really cool feature. Having used Linked Tracker is I can now determine which of the sales that I have came from.

That link specifically, we just have to go to search, add custom filter, choose a parameter. In this case we'll use source select it. Then type in whatever we know the source should be, which should be shared in this case. And voila! Look at that. It pulls up, it filters out the one. So, this demo that is there, but presumably we would have, you know, hundreds of sales out of thousands and thousands of records, and we could very easily calculate, our ROI of ad spend to actual revenue.

How cool is that? And, and to be able to tie it to a specific customer. That's the best. All right. That's all I got. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Be sure to like and subscribe and I'll see you next time. My name's Mike

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